Does onion shampoo make hair grow?

Thousands of internet searches confirm that this is a question that many girls want to know the answer to: does onion make hair grow?

If you asked your hairdresser to make you stand out and he went overboard, don’t worry! Here we have a trick to make hair grow like Rapunzel: red onion-based shampoo! Yes ma’am, just as you read it.

Do not think that it is a new invention, not at all, red onion has been used to grow hair since ancient Greece; legend has it that the doctor Pedanio Dioscórides Anazarbeo (who died in the year 90 AD) prescribed it to his patients to prevent baldness and described its benefits for hair in his work medical matter. Today we know that red onion is rich in two basic substances for hair:


  • It is part of keratin, which is the main component of hair
  • Helps the production of collagen, essential for hair growth
  • fight dandruff
  • And remove excess fat


  • Stimulates blood circulation in the scalp
  • Reduces inflammation of the follicles
  • Strengthens the hair, preventing its premature fall

Ok, understood, that couple of compounds that come in the onion have very beneficial properties for the hair, but Does the shampoo made with this vegetable work or not? A study carried out by the department of dermatology at Baghdad Hospital found that red onion was effective in treating alopecia. The developer of one of the first shampoos that have this ingredient was based on that research, and he assures that it works.

“We assume that hair grows on average between 1 cm and 1.2 cm per month under normal conditions. We can improve that performance by up to 30%”, Adolfo Remartínez, creator of the Nuggele & Sulé shampoo, told Vogue.

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It is possible to buy this type of shampoo through the internet and in some drugstores, but if you definitely do not get it, fine. you can make yourself a home treatmentas we explain below…

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