Artists and public figures rejected attack against Lucas Villa

Through moving messages, artists and public figures rejected attack against Lucas Villaa young protester shot in Pereira.

In the last week, Colombia has experienced several nights of terror and anxiety in the framework of the National Strike, because during the massive marches and sit-ins that have taken place throughout the territory Serious acts of violence have been reported.

Although many of them involve vandals causing excesses in public property, a large number of videos also circulate on networks in which Presumed cases of abuse of authority by the security forces have been recorded.

Through social networks, artists and public figures rejected the attack against Lucas Villa

Although the situation has been quite worrying, on Wednesday night the city of Pereira experienced an event that has shocked the entire country. Well, while some citizens made a peaceful sit-in in the Cesar Gaviria Viaductmen dressed in civilian clothes unholstered their weapons against 3 of the demonstrators who were there.

One of those seriously injured in the incident was Lucas Villa Vasqueza 36-year-old student from the Sports and Recreation Sciences program at the Technological University of Pereira, yoga instructor and therapist, who received 8 bullet wounds.

Villa, who hours before had been caught participating in the demonstrations in a completely peaceful manner through songs, dances and harangues, in addition to having greeted several members of ESMAD in a friendly manner, at the time, is under a reserved prognosis, but several sources They indicate that it seems that he would have suffered brain death.

Faced with this, thousands of Colombians have reacted through social networks repudiating the unfortunate fact. Even some national entertainment figures manifested themselves through networks.

Aida Merlano

Visibly moved, the daughter of former congresswoman Aída Merlano shared through her stories the fragments of some recordings in which the young protester is seen full of life.

Although he initially assured that Villa had died, he later stated that he was in the ICU fighting to survive.

Andrew Parra

The renowned actor, who played Pablo Escobar in the series Escobar, the patron of evilspoke about the event through Instagram stories where he reposted some heartfelt messages expressing his sadness at the attack on the student.

Carolina Ramirez

The protagonist of La Reina del Flow also raised her voice through Instagram stating that «Lucas was killed by the one who swore to defend him.»

Lina Tejeiro

With deep sadness, the actress and influencer manifested herself on her networks, not only through graphic pieces that recounted the events in which Lucas was attacked, but also with some words in which she confessed that she felt selfish trying to sleep while citizens they lose their lives in the streets during the marches. She even said that due to the situation and the helplessness her mental health has been deteriorating.

Maleja Restrepo

A black image with the full name of Lucas was the way in which Maleja spoke out against violence.

Monica Rodriguez

The UNO News presenter shared a beautiful image of the young man while demonstrating through the streets of Pereira, which she accompanied with some moving words in which she highlighted the respect and peace with which Villa wanted to send her message.

“LUCAS VILLA is not a vandal. He is a pacifist, he walked among everyone with respect, dancing, cheering up this difficult time we are experiencing. They shot him. It wasn’t random. Deep pain. 💔”


The journalist, documentarian, photographer and influencer could not say a word in the face of the painful event, so he replied an image of the news in his Feed.

Milena Lopez

The model and presenter shared an image similar to that of Maleja Restrepo but accompanied it with a message that says:

“My country hurts, it hurts in the soul. This is the name that represents the pain for the death of so many people, between police and civilians. My country hurts. #soscolombia”

Carlos Vives

The Colombian singer sent a trill in which he regretted what happened to Lucas and assured that there is no justification for any type of violence.

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