What is your deepest fear? this picture will tell you

From children we begin to perceive fears around what we see and what they tell us, even in cartoons when we see someone evil we manage to experience fear.

As we grow, our brain stores these fears and they only become evident at certain times, that is why to find out how our mental health is, we suggest the following test.

Look carefully at the following image and discover your deepest fear

A strawberry

Noticing every detail of the strawberry, it is easy to see that it is large and located throughout the center. This represents the heart, which has long symbolized love. The ancient legend of the goddess Venus shows it. She felt such deep love for Adonis that it was inevitable not to cry. The story mentions that those tears fell to the ground and turned into strawberries.
If the first thing you noticed in the image was the strawberry, this means that your biggest fear is feeling rejected. The idea that your love is not reciprocated terrifies you and perhaps that is why you have a hard time opening yourself up to falling in love.

The girl

If this was the first image you noticed, it means that during childhood there were events that you want to repress. They are events that could even have occurred before birth, but that the brain tries to eliminate. It is important to eradicate these negative feelings and fears, as they lead to harmful traumas.

the trees

If the two trees that come together was the first thing you saw, it means that there is a duplicity in terms of character. People who have this characteristic can suffer from bipolarity or schizophrenia. Your mind makes you have sudden mood swings or get upset very easily. If this is the case, it is advisable to consult a specialist and follow an appropriate treatment.

The butterfly

The butterfly is one of the main elements that are appreciated. Through time butterflies have various meanings. The best known is that they are bearers of good luck and that great and positive things will come to your life. But if this insect is seen submerged in something dark, bad things are going to happen.


In the image, the skull can be seen due to the set of elements found there. It does not exist as such, but can be seen as an optical illusion. If our eyes mainly captured this component, it means that your greatest fear is death. The complications that you have had to live can be manifested in this way.
Another reason why you noticed the skull first is that you had to experience the death of a loved one. Since you have not been able to overcome the loss of him, death is still your fear.

If it’s your deepest fear? Share this article on your favorite social network.

Taken from La Vida Lucida