9 examples that love lasts forever

That love doesn’t last forever! Well, that’s what everyone says, however the couples that we are going to present to you show us that the phrase certainly applies to some.

When you are destined to be with someone for the rest of your life, no matter how many years pass, sooner or later you will be together and live your love as it should always be.

There are many couples who, without even suspecting it, met when they were very young and in one way or another managed to maintain contact, only to later realize that they were destined for each other.

1. They secretly dated for a year, now they have been together for 14 years.

2. They were friends during high school, and now he asked her to marry him to always be by her side.

3. Their first date was after high school, they have never been apart since that day.

4. 22 years together. They started at school and now they are a stable and happy couple.

5. They got married even after he suffered an accident, love always triumphs.

6. Soccer player Luis Suarez met his wife at the age of 15. They have had very hard times in poverty and are still together to this day.

7. They met during a vacation and although they had not seen each other for years, when they finally did, they could not separate anymore. They are now married and have 3 children.

8. The same place and the same love. This couple hasn’t let go since 1952.

9. Leo Messi and his wife have known each other since they were very young. The social difference did not matter to them and they consolidated their childhood love with two beautiful children

Taken from Pipe Well