How to grow cucumber in a pot? Learn to do it at home

If you do not know how to grow cucumber easily at home, we want to teach you that doing it in a pot is the best way to obtain a delicious harvest.

Cucumbers are a superfood and perhaps one of the most consumed vegetables in many Latin American countries. On some occasions they are usually found in diverse presentations such as the cucumber or in derivations in countries like Mexico, which take forms like those of the nopales, more similar to a cactus.

You may be interested in knowing how to grow potatoes at home or you have decided to plant cucumbers in a pot in your home; In both cases, you will not have any problem if you follow these easy steps that we show you below:

How to grow cucumbers in a pot

The species that we are going to help you produce is the conventional cucumber (stew, which the mothers called it). Prepare everything you need and give yourself some time to distract yourself and learn the secrets of its cultivation:


  • drained earth
  • 8 cucumber seeds (of the species you want)
  • Fertilizer
  • Straw

Implements necessary

  • A clean pot of about 25 cms, that contains holes to drain the water

Time required

30 minutes

Estimated cost

$22,000 (COP)


Step 1. Pour

Take the pot and clean it very well to remove any residue it may have. Pour the soil and fertilizer into it to later dig a small hole in the center about 2 cm wide and 15 cm deep.

Step 2. Plant

Take the cucumber seeds, insert them into the hole and cover them with more soil. Water them with water (also all the soil in the pot), moistening the substrate very well, without flooding it. Add straw to the soil and spread it out well so it dries quickly. Finally, place the pot in a place where it receives direct sunlight between 6 and 8 hours a day. About 2 months after sowing and if all goes well, you could harvest the first harvest.

Recommendations to care for the cucumber plant

Your plant needs very simple care to stay vigorous and give you its best fruits. We tell you what they are so that you can adopt them from the first moment:

  • You should water it every day. Never let the soil dry out.
  • Don’t make sudden changes to where you place the pot.
  • In case you want to use pesticides, only use organic ones.

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