Do you want to know what they think of you? choose a drawing

Surely you hear good things around you, but consciously you know that not everyone is so sincere and that many have something bad to think about your personality, here you will discover what they think of you.

This psychological test is to take into account some aspects of our personality that we have never noticed and the first thing you should do is choose one of the following images.

Find out what they think of you

Drawing #1

They see you as a denier and that’s why it’s hard to tell you, you tend to minimize things that happen to you and ‘sweep it under the rug’ until there’s no more room. Deep down, there is some sensitivity and things affect you more than you think.

When they tell you, you react defensively or with some ease saying “it’s not that big a deal”. But deep down, deep down, everyone knows that you do care.

Drawing #2

You are one of those people who repeat what makes you feel bad, look for jobs you don’t like, have relationships that don’t nurture you, friends who criticize you, etc. You don’t do it consciously, but the same situations are repeated and you don’t see it so clearly.

You act as if everything were new and that leaves you in a victim position that takes away your power of decision. The people around you do not tell you because it is something very sensitive for you.

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Drawing #3

They see you as an egocentric person, you talk all the time about your things and how important you are to others, belittling those who tell you their things, you have the ability to make everyone look at you again.

You find it hard to listen and you think that everything that happens to you is more serious or more important than what happens to others. That can get you in trouble with friends; especially because you find it hard to accept that you are like that. Without realizing it, the people who love you may have stopped telling you.

Drawing #4

You don’t like to take risks if you don’t have something safe and despite wanting to do many more things, you prefer to complain and criticize to justify your lack of action, the truth is that it’s hard for you to go for more.

When someone suggests what you could do, or how you could change it, you get angry and claim that they are pressuring you. That’s why your environment doesn’t dare to tell you; but deep down all they want is to see you happy.

Did this test of what the people around you think of you seem correct? Share with your [email protected] this article.

With information from CBA24N