How to survive a tight friend?

On International Friendship Day, we give you tips for surviving a cantankerous friend. Take note!

It has happened to all of us at some point, or several. We meet a very cool person along the way, with whom we share interests; a friend of those with whom you laugh until your cheeks hurt, but, over time, we discovered that it is cizañera.

The weed is a plant that grows spontaneously in the fields and the flour from its seed is poisonous; that is, it is bad weed. In a metaphorical way, the tares person sows taresgenerally putting some people against others or speaking ill of everyone.

That friend could get you into a lot of trouble, because she can make other people believe that you are the same as her, in addition, It is quite certain that just as she speaks ill of her other friends, she speaks ill of you to them… What will he say? No? Your fear of angering her is logical, however, you must get away from her, but how?

Psychologist André Didyme-Dome, an expert in communication, gives us some advice:
  1. Do not repeat their attitude. If she starts making destructive comments about her, make her see that you’re not interested. Don’t go along with it.
  2. Change the conversation. Look for more constructive topics. If she persists, you can be the one to make the change.
  3. Tell him an anecdote about a (perhaps imaginary) friend who was left in a bad light because of her gossiping attitude.
  4. Maybe that friend doesn’t suit you. If she keeps criticizing everyone, she must have serious self-esteem issues.
  5. Be direct. Tell him that you don’t like these comments and that you find them destructive. Sometimes people appreciate sincerity.

[Lo que no debes decir a los demás de tu relación]

If none of this works, do the one that isn’t with you. How have you had to deal with people or friends who are harsh? Tell us!