Black Horoscope or Black Zodiac reveals your demons

have you heard of the black horoscope or Black Zodiac? We tell you what it consists of and what your demons are according to your zodiac sign.

Although he became famous thanks to the horror movie 13 ghosts, the truth is that it is very old; in fact, it is based on the Babylonian adaptation of Egyptian astrological observations, with some adjustments by ancient Greek astrologers.

What is the black horoscope?

It is a description of the personality of each sign of the Zodiac but focused on its negative part; This is not necessarily bad, because in the human being both aspects coexist simultaneously: good and evil.
And evil, although it sounds paradoxical, is not so bad if it is seen as an opportunity to get to know oneself, identify negative emotions and try to understand what they say about one, in order to grow and try to be better people.

Depending on your zodiac sign, we explain what are the demons you have to deal with and we explain how to do it in the best way to take advantage of your negative side.

Horoscope Black Aries

Your demon is a tyrant full of greed, who never gets any of his needs met, and not for lack of blessings, but because nothing is enough for you. You must suppress the urge to make others suffer just to feel the rush of power; he works on your empathy to learn to put yourself in the shoes of others.


Horoscope Black Taurus

Your demon is the ghost of the past that you can never let go of, no matter how much you want to turn the page; and it is that you have a heart that is too sensitive, so you forgive, but you never forget, and you always keep a grudge in the depths of your being.


Horoscope Black Gemini

The demon you have to deal with is the Basilisk, a Greek mythological being that could kill with its eyes. You are capable of causing enormous harm to your peers, so they perceive you as a dangerous person, whom they cannot trust. You should try to understand that not everything others do or say is directed at you.


Horoscope Black Cancer

Your demon is the serpent: wise, but deceitful. You know how to gain the trust of each person, however, you cannot resist using what they tell you for your own benefit, even with subtle emotional blackmail. You must apply the maxim that says «do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you».


Horoscope Black Leo

War is the demon that dominates you and that creates an internal debate in you, because your head wants peace and love, but your heart is activated just by thinking about the confrontation. What you should do is choose your battles, that way you will not be perceived as a person who keeps fighting for no reason.


Horoscope Black Virgo

Your worst demon is the eye of the hurricane, because you create chaos and then make peace, but surrounded by danger, always on the brink of chaos. You do all this because you are too possessive and jealous and if what you want is not for you, it is not for anyone. You have to stop treating people like objects.


Horoscope Black Libra

Insatiable hunger is the demon that haunts you. But it is not only a physical hunger, it is also your habit of devouring everything that surrounds you, be it spaces or people. You must learn that hoarding everything brings a lot of pain to others, who also have the right to enjoy those details of life.


Horoscope Black Scorpio

Your demon is a sniper who shoots poison-tipped bullets. You do not argue or fight, but wait and accumulate, waiting for the perfect moment to hit the target. You should think that breaking out like that is very dangerous, not only for those around you, but for your own health.


Horoscope Black Sagittarius

Your demon is being free, too free, so much so that you go over anything and/or whoever it is in order to maintain your freedom, the problem is that along the way you destroy several lives, and of the people who love you the most. . Reflect on why you hurt precisely the beings who love you the most.


Horoscope Black Capricorn

Your greatest demon is unique among the entire Zodiac: your multiple demons. You are a person who simply cannot deal with them and accumulates them in such a way that they are a ticking time bomb. Try going to a therapist or psychoanalyst, these professionals will help you understand why you do what you do.


Aquarius Black Horoscope

The demon that haunts you is a wild animal always on the verge of attacking its prey. Like him, you like to play with other people’s feelings for the simple pleasure of seeing them suffer for you. Accept that what you do is not only cruel, but it also makes you look very bad as a human being. Change or loneliness will be your future.


Horoscope Black Pisces

Your demon is a dagger ready to cut and pierce, as if you had no heart, but it is quite the opposite, you hurt precisely those you love most, because you expect them to act in specific ways without even telling them and when they disappoint you, you attack. Remember, «who wants kisses, look for the mouth», do not expect people to guess what you need: ask for it.


Do you feel identified? Write in the comments if these demons are successful or not, and share this note on your social networks!