Marbelle and other celebrities, cute or with black hair?

How do these celebrities from the Creole show look better, cute or with black hair? Look at the photos of Marbelle and other celebrities and vote…

They say that men prefer blondes, also that the cute ones pile up to Colombians, will it be? Although beauty is something so subjective that it depends on the taste of each person, hundreds, thousands of women dye their hair blonde (or mono, as they say in these parts). The funny thing is that those who have light hair dye it darkwhat a paradox!

Are you one of the women who is not happy with what nature gave you or do you just change your hair color for a change and get out of the routine? Quiet, you are not alone, it does not happen only to you.

The celebrities of entertainment are not saved from this desire to be cute (or black-haired, if their natural hair is blonde), and for the sample, here we leave you ten buttons so that look at the photos, compare and vote

What do you think? Does Marbella and the other celebrities of the Creole show that we show you look better cute or with black hair?

also vibrates with: Shakira, Beyoncé and more… Cute or black-haired?

Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks! Your friends will love to see, compare and vote. Also, «Like» this survey post on our fan page of the Face, that way we can continue bringing you entertainment topics like this