Celebrities who already arouse more hatred than love in Masterchef Celebrity

MasterChef Celebrity fell in love with Colombians with its first chapters, but there are celebrities who have already been responsible for arousing hatred and love.

Many viewers were waiting for the premiere of the new season of MasterChef Celebrity. Viewers wanted to see the new celebrities who were going to be in charge of demonstrating their talent in the kitchen and preparing the best dishes. However, in just three episodes there were some celebrities who attracted more attention than other participants and therefore received several not-so-encouraging comments.

Adriana Lucia

One of the participants who stole the most looks in the first episodes of the reality show was undoubtedly Adriana Lucía. The singer showed that she is a woman with a strong temperament, so much so that she had some friction with other participants such as Aura Cristina Geithner, who assured that she costeña “outside the kitchen it is a charm, inside the kitchen it enters a state that does not generate peace”.

But that was not all, Juanda Caribe, who is another of her setmates and also an imitator, was offended when Adriana Lucía made fun of her dishes and affirmed «food is similar to music, there are people who imitate others and there are people who do original things». For this reason, in networks he received comments like these:

Aura Cristina Geithner

Aura Cristina Geithner was also another of the celebrities who managed to attract attention for her way of acting under pressure. Even some of the program’s followers dared to compare her with Estefanía Borge, who gave much to talk about in the last season of MasterChef Celebrity.

Several people assured in networks that the actress was going to be the most controversial, since she always wanted everything to be done as she wanted and did not allow any type of suggestions when cooking. These were the messages that attracted the most attention:

Maru Yamayusa

Maru Yamayusa did not go unnoticed, the actress was cataloged in networks as “very overreacted” for his way of speaking to his teammates and the jury. For that reason, the followers of the program asked him to stop acting that way and go «natural» without always wanting to attract attention to appear before the cameras. Here we leave you some of the comments left on social networks:

However, those were not the only comments that the new season of MasterChef Celebrity received. Many of the viewers asked that the program be given during the week in family hours and not on Saturdays and Sundays, because that way the thread of what happened in each chapter was lost. For now, the RCN Channel has not commented on the matter and the faithful followers of the reality show will have to wait to see their favorite participants.

Which of the celebrities of Masterchef Celebrity did you find the most controversial?

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