8 signs that give away a man in love

There are such obvious signs in a man when he is in love with a woman that it is impossible not to notice because at first glance they give themselves away, here we tell you what they are, take note.

These are the 8 signs that reveal a man in love

Which of them did your gallant use to conquer you?

#8 Play with her hair

Believe it or not, not only do we women touch our hair when we play nice or like a boy, but also men tend to adjust their hair, fluff it up or touch their beard or chin.

#7 Maintain eye contact

When a man is in love with you, he doesn’t take his eyes off you. He can’t stop looking at you, because he finds you beautiful and everything you tell him is interesting.

#6 Touches your lower back

If in the middle of a crowd he guides you through it by grabbing your waist or lower back, he is dead with you. It is a gesture that denotes protection and, why not, property.

#5 imitates you

Experts say that when someone is very much in love with another person, they tend to copy their gestures and repeat words that they always use. He is so attracted to your way of being that he has copied you!

#4 Raise your eyebrows

When a man is attracted to a woman, he subconsciously raises his eyebrows as he listens to her speak. This sign that he is in love with you is very subtle and quick, but it is foolproof!

#3 Smile

A man in love smiles, do you know why? Because he is happy! All he wants is to be with you, look at you and get carried away, with that face of a fool in love that melts you.

He does not know how to be serious nor does he like to be seen with a long face, therefore, he smiles, because life smiles at him when he is with you.

#2 When he sees you, he fixes himself

It is automatic, but when you enter the place where he is waiting for you, he straightens his shirt, his coat or his hair. He wants to look perfect for you, just as you are for him.

#1 leans towards you

A man in love can’t stand being away from you, so when he talks to you or listens to you, he leans towards you to be very close. This is an inescapable sign of closeness, intimacy and that he is in love with you.

Taken from Vix