The number that governs your relationship with your partner is…

If you believe in the power of numbers, you know that there is one that governs your relationship and can determine your chances of success or failure. Find out yours here…

Do you know what numerology is? It is a divinatory practice that reveals the hidden meaning of numbers. Although many people believe that it is a fad or a new trend, the truth is that it goes back thousands of years to ancient Greece and the first mathematicians, who believed that there is a connection between the numerical code, the universe and people. The Chinese have also developed a similar fascination with numbers, so it’s no wonder they get involved in your relationship as well.

As explained in love extensionsa website specializing in numerology, to find out what is the number that governs your partner you must convert the date of birth of both to numbers, separating them into digits, for example: 2 (day), 5 (month), 1, 9, 7 and 9 (year). You should:

  • Add 2 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 = 33
  • And add the result: 3 + 3 = 6 (if it gives you a multi-digit number, add between them until you get a number from 1 to 9)

Take the same account with your partner’s date of birth and then add both results until you get a one-digit number. Then you will find out what all this means…

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