Healthy snacks you can buy at the store

When hunger strikes and we only have a neighborhood store nearby, we buy packets of potatoes, cakes and sweets. Learn about healthier alternatives*.

That close to your office or university there is no supermarket, restaurant or cafeteria, is not an excuse for you to eat badly. We are so used to buying packages (of potatoes, pancakes or candy) in the store, that we overlook healthy snacks that you can find in any little store of neighborhood

Going into a store is very tempting, because you will be surrounded by packages, cakes, fried foods… greasy foods full of calories. In a supermarket you can go from one to the specific section in which you are going to buy (fruits, vegetables, dietary), not so in a store, where everything is laid out in front of you to test your willpower.

Ideally, you should bring a lunch box, so you won’t be tempted to buy unhealthy or fattening foods, but if you have to satisfy your hunger at the corner store, take your time to choose the foods that are best for your body.

Take note of the healthy snacks that you can buy in any store:

-Cheese, hopefully peasant or pear: Cheeses are an excellent source of protein and calcium.
-Yogurt or low-fat kumis: Like any dairy, they are rich in calcium and protein, but they also help restore the intestinal flora.
-Whole grain cookies: They are a good source of fiber, essential for proper intestinal function.
-Raisins: They regulate digestion and relieve constipation.
-Juices in bottles or boxes, hopefully without sugar: Prefer natural ones, without preservatives or preservatives.
-Packed gelatin: Gelatin provides collagen to your body, very important for skin and hair.
-Nuts, such as peanuts or walnuts: They are a source of vitamin E and help raise levels of good cholesterol (HDL).
-Low fat milk personal size: Low-fat milk provides the same quantity and quality of calcium and protein, but with fewer calories.
-Water: Sometimes you confuse the signals that your body gives you and sometimes what you need is not to eat, but to hydrate.
-A personal portion of ham: Prefer low-fat pork, chicken or turkey ham.

What other healthy snack can you buy at a neighborhood store?

*This article was prepared with the advice of nutritionist Nancy Melo.