What are the women of strong character according to their sign?

There are no weak women, what happens is that some have a much stronger character and that is why we are going to meet the women of strong character according to their zodiac sign.

Character is basically the way in which a person usually reacts to a situation, this reaction is what defines your profile, your characteristic or inclination.

Strong-willed women according to their zodiac sign are:


TAURUS – (April 20 to May 20)

Taurus women are calm, and are characterized by their pragmatism. It can be the most stable sign if there is compatibility with your environment or with the people you relate to. However, if someone makes a Capricorn woman angry, she should be very careful. They are very spiteful, and also impulsive in discussions, they never allow themselves to be trampled by anyone, but sometimes they can be too hurtful without measuring the consequences.

A Taurus woman always gets what she wants, they have a tenacity and a capacity for perseverance that drives those who get along with them crazy. She is also one of the most loyal signs, so as much as she gets mad at you, a Taurus will never leave you stranded or give up on the people she loves.

GEMINI – (May 21 to June 20)

The personality of Gemini women is abrasive. This thanks to his dual personality, this becomes a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they can be the most adaptable, sweet, and versatile people; On the other hand, they can have such a strong character that they overshadow or intimidate.

It is one of the signs with the most character because they are constant, hard-working and are not afraid of challenges, and even if they are afraid they always keep their word. They also have a strength in them that prevents them from giving up, or throwing in the towel. Gemini women can be difficult to understand at times, but there is no better life warrior than this sign.


LEO – (July 23 – August 22)

Leo women are extremely self-confident, in fact, they are the most confident zodiac sign. Sometimes, many can dislike them because they can fall into arrogance. However, those who truly know the interior of this sign know that they are positive and sensitive.

Being with a Leo is an infusion of pure energy. They have a very strong character due to the demand with which they carry what they are passionate about, and that perfectionism that refuses to abandon them. They are very ambitious, they always want to win, to be the best and usually they succeed.

A Leo woman is always the center of attention in meetings, and she has an attractiveness and passion that are the envy of many.

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VIRGO – (August 23 to September 22)

This sign has to be among the zodiac signs with the strongest character, since they have an absolute determination. They never take their finger off the line, and their characteristic tendency to analyze everything and their awareness of reality is something that helps them achieve all their goals.

They have the best analysis of any zodiac sign, and their down-to-earth way of life makes them natural leaders. They are women specialists in solving any problem that you put in front of them, they always look for the way so as not to be left behind in fulfilling their goals. They are extremely intelligent, and organized.

SCORPIO – (October 23 to November 21)

The women of this sign are powerful. They have a passion for life that is enviable and very contagious. However, they also live with an intensity that intimidates others, and if left unchecked, can be tiresome for their fellow human beings. And like every person who has this characteristic, they suffer from terrible jealousy, especially when they feel displaced.

They are very secretive, and sometimes it is difficult to decipher what they are feeling or thinking at all times. Sometimes you may think that she has already thrown in the towel, but the women of this sign know how to recover after any problem. That is why they are one of the zodiac signs with the strongest character.


SAGITTARIUS – (November 22 to December 21)

A Sagittarius is reckless, adventurous, optimistic. We should all have a Sagittarius friend who takes us out of our comfort zone, because, although she is afraid of the unknown, she loves to overcome it and discover new places, people, and sensations.

They know that there is a vast world, and they are eager to discover every corner of it. They are generous and always full of energy. They are also rebellious, and this does not always have to do with vices or breaking rules, you just cannot contain them, they seek more, they break with stigmas.

CAPRICORN – (December 22 – January 19)

It is one of the most mature signs of the zodiac. They are realistic, they are not so easily carried away by dreams or utopias. They have a reflection that leads them to greatly overthink the situations they experience. This helps them on many occasions because they are aware of their failures and the areas of opportunity in their life, but it also leads them to have many thoughts that confuse and make them a little bitter.

They also have an ambition that takes them far, but sometimes their worst flaw can be fear. They get carried away by it to the point that they stop doing everything they planned so meticulously. However, it is their strong character and they do not let themselves be defeated so easily.

With information from Soy Carmín