Side of the bed where you sleep as a couple influences your genius

According to a recent study, when you sleep as a couple, the side you choose could make you wake up in a good or bad mood…

Have you heard the phrase “got up on the wrong foot”? It would have to be changed to «she slept on the right side of the bed» because a new study by bed manufacturer Sealy UK has found that the members of the couples who sleep on the right side get up in a bad mood.

Although the margins of the research are small, it certainly highlights an interesting trend… Could it be possible that the left side of the bed is the correct one?

For many cohabiting couples this can be problematic as their side of the bed is heavily guarded territory; switching from right to left may not be so easy, Sealy sleep expert Neil Robinson told the British newspaper the Mirror.

The study was done with a total of one thousand adults who sleep in a couple and determined that right-side sleepers are 7% more likely to wake up in a bad temper; likewise, those who sleep on the left side are 8% more positive.

To sleep on the left side! Which side of the bed do you sleep on?