Are men better friends than women?

Women can be good friends, but men, at least, are less envious.

Friendship is innate to human beings. From the time we are born, we are programmed to ally ourselves with other people. to get what we need, whether it’s hunting a mammoth to survive or going out for the weekend. But it is not the same to be friends than friends, because genders have different ways of relating to each other.

We have often heard that friendship between men is stronger and more sincere than that between women, is it true? Maybe, but one thing is for sure, they are different. Both men and women develop close bonds with each other, but, according to psychologist André Didyme-Dome, what is most appreciated in consultation is that among men, competition prevails, while among women, envy.

This leads men, when they are friends, to solve their problems openly, even physically, while women usually do not solve their problems, but disguise them. Although it does not happen in 100% of cases, the majority of ‘double’ or ‘challenged’ people are usually women; the cause of this may be more boredom than meanness, that is, when they have nothing else to do, they talk about others.

What happens is that, by nature, women are more detailed, and therefore we pay much more attention to the small details of the world around usWhether this is a forest full of edible fruit or the lives of the people we work with. For example, we can get angry because a friend bought the same jacket as us, something that a man would not even notice.

And between a man and a woman can there be friendship?

According to the expert, As long as there is no sexual tension between the man and the woman, friendship is possible.for example, when there is definitely no chemistry or when their sexual orientations do not lead to them ending up in bed. That is why in so many romantic comedies the character of the «gay friend» is created.

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