Meaning of the repeated numbers on the plates

There is a meaning of numbers, which is described by numerology. We tell you here what the three repeated digits of the plates mean.

Meaning of repeated numbers on car plates

Numerology is a discipline that describes the relationship between numbers and events that occur in our life, because for the universe nothing happens by itself.

For example, meeting three numbers in a row on plates of any car. It is not accidental! It has its meaning…

  • 000: You are going to receive a surprise kiss from an unexpected person.
  • 111: Someone is going to declare his love for you.
  • 222: You will have an unexpected encounter or a painful farewell.
  • 333: You will have news that will make you happy.
  • 444: A gift to give or receive.
  • 555: You’re going to have a horrible upset.
  • 666: Someone close is going to die.
  • 777: You will have a stroke of luck.
  • 888: You will find money.
  • 999: You or someone very close to you is going to have a pregnancy scare.

If you believe in the power of numerology, you know that nothing happens by chance.

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