Things you should NOT “never” share with your partner

When we have a love relationship, many of us try to share everything with our partner and become one person, but is it really good to share everything?

The truth is that to be with a person we always seek to have many things in common and it is something very normal, to look for hobbies and even have friends to share our time together.

You should never share these things with your partner

It is essential that certain things are shared as a couple, but it is just as necessary that others remain totally separate. Batteries with these 10 things that you should not share with your partner.

#1. Toothbrush and other personal hygiene items:

Actually these things neither with your partner nor with anyone. Hygiene is very personal and non-transferable!

#two. Workplace:

It is not going to favor you at all to work in the same workplace. You may have met your partner at the office or they may be your boss – who knows – but if you thought spending more time together would be better, you were wrong. If you can choose, being apart during work hours can strengthen the relationship and prevent conflict.

#3. The friends:

This is nothing negative, but it is good that each one has, at least, some individual friends, to be able to separate time with «friends» and time with «couple» when needed -just as necessary-, and that being able to go if the relationship failed without putting the same friends in a commitment of choosing between one or the other.

#4. hobbies:

We insist that it is good to spend time with your partner sharing hobbies that make you enjoy… But there is nothing more interesting than being able to contribute something new to the other, nor is there anything healthier than having your time alone and enjoying your hobbies. Being in a relationship does not mean not having time alone, since this space is fundamental and necessary.

#5. Bad memory:

If neither of them is able to remember anything, they are going to be a chaotic couple, no dates, no appointments, no anniversaries. The only positive thing is that by sharing this feature they will not be able to blame each other either.

#6. Not managing money well:

If no one knows how to save, or manage expenses, they will have more than one problem, and money always complicates everything. Watch out.

#7. Glasses:

That moment of going to bed and taking out a book, but struggling to pick up your glasses before your partner does. Each to their own, please, it’s for health.

#8. pessimism:

There needs to be some balance. It is not about always being ‘like a birthday’ but if one of the two is going through a bad patch it is important that the other knows how to respond and lift him up. Two dramatic in the relationship are more likely to end up in a toxic relationship.

#9. The stockings:

Although not as common, you can’t steal her stockings when you love your partner. We know that the washing machine has a ‘parallel world’ that hides one of our pairs of socks and steals more than one piece of clothing from us, but it would be better to buy more socks than to argue about finding them -you are probably wearing them-.

#10. The car:

The means of transport can be shared -everything is for the safety of our planet-, but it is important that each one has their own vehicle, or else one of the two will have to be more willing than the other and surely the problems.

What other things do you think you should NOT share “never” with your partner? Leave your opinion in the comments.

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