Examples of homophones and how to use them correctly

In addition to giving you examples of homophoneswe tell you what they are and we explain how to use them correctly in a sentence.

Don’t be fooled into believing that because Spanish is your mother tongue you can naturally speak and write it correctly, nothing could be further from the truth! The truth is that our language is difficult.

It is for them that we give you some spelling tips, such as the difference between “rosear” and “rociar”, among many other tips to improve our spelling and writing, a more important topic than it seems at first glance.

What are homophones?

They belong to the category of homonymous words, which are those that have the same or similar pronunciation (paronyms) but with different meanings. Among them we find the homographs and homophones.

What are the homograph words?

They differ in their meaning, but the spelling is identical; that is, they are written exactly the same, but they refer to different things, for example “amo” (owner of a pet) and “amo” (first person singular of the verb “to love”).

What are homophones?

They are pronounced the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Next we will expand on this type of words or expressions.

Some examples of homophones

‘a’, ‘ah’ or ‘ha’?

  • ‘to’: Preposition
  • ‘ah’: interjection
  • ‘has’: verb to have

Record or record? Record or grave?

  • Record: Carve, sculpt, record sounds or images
  • record: verb record
  • Levy: Impose a lien (tax)
  • Serious: seriously

Hug or cuddle?

  • hug: embrace with arms
  • scorch: burn with flames

Did he fall, fell, fell, callus?

  • Callo: verb to shut up
  • fell: verb to fall
  • Callus: thick skin (also eating)
  • Key: Geographic feature

Have you, do or do?

  • Has: Verb to have passed
  • Do: Imperative verb to have. / Bunch, surface, particles or light rays of the same origin.
  • Ace: Card from the deck or sports champion

Sentences with homophones

  • Talking to soften, how softening the meat?
  • You went to vote this Sunday? Or do you think it would be throw your vote?
  • Err It’s human… but shoe it’s blacksmiths.
  • Let’s see, Let’s see, Let’s see, silence! Has to to have Silence for the concert to begin.
  • Until the moose, with its immense pole on the skull, he thinks he has not been cuckolded.
  • Wanted to plus cake, plus I didn’t fit

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