Characteristics of the unfaithful man (that you should know)

These are the characteristics of the unfaithful man that every girl should know how to recognize so as not to be fooled so easily.

Let’s not fool ourselves, lies and infidelity are something that many of us have had to deal with at some point in our lives, if not several times, and not only from them, but also from us.

But although both genders can be unfaithful, in this note we will focus on them, only because the majority of our audience is made up of girls who date boys.

5 characteristics of the unfaithful man

And it is that experts in couples therapy explain that most men have behaviors that are very marked by their psychology, upbringing and cultural prejudices. Let us begin!

1. He is less affectionate

Cheating men often forgo holding hands, cheek kisses, and snuggling up on the couch, but watch out, they don’t stop having sex with you.

This happens because sex can only be a physical act, while true intimacy, affection, is more difficult to fake. There may be other reasons, like stress, but if he’s always been loving and suddenly he’s changed, you should be suspicious.

2. He has become more critical of you

Suddenly he starts to be more fussy and criticize you for things that didn’t seem to bother him before, like the way you talk, your job, your family, etc., maybe he tries to manipulate you so that you feel insecure about what you see or suspect.

3. He is much more reserved

When you notice paranoid behavior regarding his privacy, especially with his cell phone and the change is drastic and sudden, it could be that he has his saved.

In addition, if you also use it more frequently (and often outside the house, in the bathroom or in another room), and yet it ignores your calls and leaves you on seen on WhatsApp, your suspicions may not be unfounded.

4. He has become more vain

Overnight, do you order a smile design, when before you didn’t even have the decency to brush your teeth before giving you a kiss? It may not be fixing itself for you.

5. He is much more forgetful and careless with details

Have you ever been particularly distracted before? Cheaters commonly pretend to forget things that they are actually quite sure about, such as a special memory between you.

They do this consciously so that the answer «I don’t remember» or «I don’t know what you’re talking about» doesn’t sound strange to you when it occurs to you to ask uncomfortable questions like the ones we girls usually ask when we have suspicions.

Has something like this happened to you? Tell us in the comments! Y write what you think in the comments of this note on our Face fanpage.