Young man ended up with burns from a cosmetic product

A student ended up with burns from trying to use salicylic acid for the first time. Although she decided to call the emergency room, she was advised to go to the hospital.

University student Natasha Martlew decided to try salicylic acid for the first time, she chose a brand that is very prestigious in the world of beauty, called The Ordinary. This product is used to clean the pores and is ideal for people who are prone to blemishes.

Natasha said that a friend from work had recommended this product to her, apart from the fact that she used it, she also decided to recommend it to her family. Since it was her first time using it, she put 1-2 drops of the product on a cotton ball and rubbed it on her face. She at first only noticed that she had a red face, but she didn’t care.

The next day when he got up for work, his face was full of blisters. She decided to call the emergency line, but they advised her that it was better for her to go to the hospital. When she was treated, she was diagnosed with chemical burns. According to a hospital consultant, what caused this was the salicylic acid, being an acidic product.

This is how it looked after the product was applied

She felt as if her face was burning and it hurt a lot when touched. Natasha says that for the first time she followed all the product instructions and only applied a small amount. As a treatment she was prescribed antibiotics for 7 days and she could only wash her face with water.

Now, Natasha wants this product to include its risks, so that it doesn’t happen to someone else. since now every time she looks in the mirror, she has to see her scars and she thinks that all that could have been avoided.

After seeing this story, we realize that sometimes the products sold in stores are not as safe as we think. Share this note to alert more people about the risks of some beauty products.

With information from: Daily mail