By 1864 it becomes the official residence of the Archduque Maximiliano de Habsburg and his wife Empress Carlota. The adaptation of the Alcazar and the building was in charge of the architect Ramón Rodríguez Arangitywho redesigned the property in a clear Parisian neoclassical style With rundbogensile influences, a variant of neo -Romanesque architecture. The castle is an important part of the history of Mexico and is one of the unmissable destinations in Mexico City, from which the Chapultepec forest, the volcanoes and the Paseo de la Reforma are appreciated.
PALACE DA PENA | Sintra, Portugal
In what was formerly a monastery of the Order of San Jerónimo, located in a Peñasco with a view to the Atlantic Ocean, in 1836 the Prince Fernando II of Portugal He ordered to build a majestic building to serve as the summer residence of the royal family. In accordance with the mentality of the nineteenth century, the palace is one of the best examples of the eclecticism In architecture with characteristics Neogotic, neorrenacentists, neomanuelins and neoislamic.
In addition, on the facades of the palace you can find curious elements that give it a Mysterious and mysterious aura as a relief of a hybrid being (man-man) that leaves a shell and whose hair becomes a trunk. In the interiors you can see large jobs in stucco and murals, highlighting the spaces covered with Hispanic-Moriscos tiles. The palace next to the town of Sintra were declared World Heritage for UNESCO in 1995.
Alcázar de Segovia | Segovia, Spain
One of the most visited monuments in Spain and a example of the castles-palacios from Europe. With a vast history, this building has been Castro Roman, medieval strength, Palacio Real, Custodio del Treasure Real, Prison of State, Royal Artillery College and Military General Archive. The first indications of the Alcazar date from the 12th century when it was built as a Hispanic-Muslman strength.