Buildings with incredible green roofs

Green roofs contribute to reduce the environmental impact or the ecological footprint that leaves a house in a city

Chuttersnap / UNSPLASH

Among millions of people and a concrete jungle, a fresh air respite is precious, A space where to be surrounded by plants is a treasure and a shelter in contemporary times. For those city, we know it is difficult have some vegetation in buildings that fill the citiesbut the trend is already the Have a green roof in skyscrapers.

All the great metropolis of the world seek to take advantage of the vertical space so that its overpopulation continues to live and live together in a few square meters. Currently, the buildings have evolved and have spaces for the recreation of their inhabitants: pools, gyms, shopping centers, cinemas and even libraries are some areas that the new constructions have. Additionally, Green roofs have been positioned in buildings as a primary place for the correct human development.

We present 8 buildings with wonderful green roofs:

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