Terrace: color palettes to decorate it

A terrace gives life to your home. It is incredible how you can raise the decoration of your home if you decorate it safely, correctly and above all, that it is cozy for you. So if you need Your terrace stands out from the rest of the house You must apply the appropriate colors, but not only in paintings, but in the rest of the elements.

Here are 5 suggestions of combinations that will undoubtedly give you a new life to your terrace.

The touch of color is given with the flowers.ANA BELEN ESCUDERO / UNSPLASH

Gray + Wood + Fuchsia

To have a more natural environment, Try that your terrace has natural materials Like wood, you will feel in a cooler space. To give it a higher touch it is important that you add furniture greybut be careful with tone, since you could dull the details, so use a soft tone. He fuchsia You should add it to plants, how about bugambilias?

Arrixate to apply reddish tones on your terrace.Emma Van Sant / Unspash

Orange + coffee + red

The tones reddish They are very summery and probably, somewhat old to include them in the Terrace decoration; However, the color combination is essential in A terrace to attract the feeling of warmth. Try that the two strongest tones are in the furniture, while the most dim must be on the walls to not saturate and that, in addition, you can complement with the color of pots and plants.