10 interior plants that will fill your home color

The Kalachoe must be maintained with at least eight hours of indirect light to bloom indoors.

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Of small and elegant flowers that grow grouped and open their petals in orange, pink or red tones, The Kalachoe plant It can be sown in half shade gardens or very close to a window where you receive the largest amount of indirect sunlight during the day. Growing up as a bush, it is perfect for elongated or rectangular pots. Its beauty is according to the care it requires: it is very sensitive to low temperatures, so in cold climates its flowering is much more discreet and, also, they are very easy to drown, so irrigation must be supplied carefully.

The Cascabel Caleta creates a mixture between the green and the purple difficult to resist and ideal to decorate a space with personality.

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Calatea rattlesnake

Unlike most of this list, the calatea lancifolia He does not have flowers, but that does not subtract personality: Patterns of its elongated and undulating leaves simulate spots that alternate between various shades of green, causing a feeling of permanent movement. This plant usually develops some purple leaves that complete a colorful style, ideal to give life to any corner of your home.