How many ternurines do you have?Emiliano Vittoriosi / UNSPLASH
The Universe designed for Sylvanian Families
Although the word Sylvan means «of the forest», Something that characterizes this toy is the whole universe around to simulate acts of everyday lifefrom home cleaning to school or the office. You can find tType of objects in diversity of scenarios such as a lamp, a bed, the dishes and cradle to a minitellescope. His clothes are another detail to highlight, because it is possible to find elegant dresses with waves, lace and small buttons, also overalls or tiny accessories such as bainted and ties. Without neglecting everything that reflects a peaceful pastoral life. It is a version of what we know but in a world of fantasy Sylvanian and starring A family that goes from kangaroos or squirrels, to moles or different breeds of dogs.
Being a collectible article, many products from Sylvanian Families combine with each other to grow the «Sylvanian village.» It is interesting how these products, in the words of the company, “will stimulate children's interest in education and art, promoting the appreciation of beauty” And it is that precisely in details such as their clothes and the sophisticated design of the objects that surround the ternurines, it is that the thoroughness of their manufacturing is appreciated.
These little figures are made of flocococked plastic, which provides them with a soft texture. However, tThere are also special editions of houses and other accessories made of porcelain. His universe, until now, contemplates around one hundred families, one hundred houses, nurseries, vehicles and attraction parks that today exceeds the 230 million pieces sold.
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Sylvanian Families: 40 years of existence
The small anthropomorphic figures have remained popular in Japan, also with a presence in different formats such as animated series, parks and thematic restaurants. In 2019 there was an exhibition about its history and special collaborations in Matsuya Ginza, in Tokyo. His commercial name changed Calico Critters when he arrived in the United Statesbut in England he obtained special attention, according to the English journalist Rhodri Marsden for an article of The Independent. And after a difficult time for the brand, it was relaunched by the Flair company, in which there was a subtle redesign of the products, with slight winks of the Anglo -Saxon culture.
However, the Flair Association with the brand ended in 2014 and since then The creation and production of Sylvanian Families is now regulated by Epoch; Although with other modifications, mainly with its traditional blue packaging, now cream. Each character has its own names and detailed profiles, as well as maps that show all the locations of the Sylvanian universe.