How to make Vision Board using Feng Shui wisdom?

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What is the Bagua map?

The Bagua map is a key tool in Feng Shui. It is a grid that divides any space into nine main areas, each representing a specific aspect of life.

  • Wealth and prosperity: abundance and financial growth.
  • Fame and reputation: recognition and achievements.
  • Relations: Love, marriage and personal connections.
  • Family: Family and legacy.
  • Health: physical well -being and balance.
  • Creativity and children: creative expression and offspring.
  • Knowledge and personal growth: Wisdom and personal development.
  • Career: professional purpose and life trajectories.
  • Useful people and trips: mentoring, support and adventures.

Each area is associated with A specific color, element and energy. This map is a guide to organize energy both in physical spaces and in creative projects, such as Vision Board.

A Vision Board Prepared with the help of Feng Shui it can be more harmonious.

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Integrating Feng Shui into a Vision Board

To create a Vision Board Using Feng Shui, we will follow the principles of the Bagua map, making sure that each area of ​​our life is represented. Next, we guide you step by step.

Preparation and clarification of intentions

Before starting, Reflect on your goals. Divide your goals into the nine areas of Bagua and make sure they are clear, specific and aligned with your deepest wishes.

It gathers materials

  • A board or cardboard.
  • Images, magazine cuts and photos that represent your goals.
  • Markers, scissors, glue and other decorative materials.

Divide your board according to the Bagua map

Draw a grid of three by three on your board. Each quadrant will represent one of the areas of Bagua. For example: