‘La Liendra’ bought Dani Duke a bag for 32 million pesos

‘La Liendra’ bought Dani Duke a bag for 32 million pesos during his visit to Spain. How did she react?

The controversial influencer and his girlfriend, also a content creator Dani Duke, who in recent days were at the center of the controversy after a video was leaked in which they appeared having sexual relations, again became a trend after the influencer will show the very expensive gift he gave to his girlfriend. Not many could afford something like this!

Well, while they were enjoying a few days of traveling through the Motherland, the influencer decided to give his girl an incredible detail to celebrate her anniversary and in one way or another compensate for the fact of not having been able to hold a full-fledged celebration during that special date, since at that time his attention was focused on the recovery of his Instagram account, which had been blocked… And boy did he make up for it!

Well, according to the story of ‘the Liendra’, his girlfriend had told him weeks ago that he was saving to buy the bag of his dreams, nothing more and nothing less than the Chanel brand, because he had her completely in love.

‘La Liendra’ bought Dani Duke a bag for 32 million pesos in a Chanel store

Upon learning of this, Mauricio Gómez, (first name of the influencer) decided to go personally in the company of some friends to make the purchase while documenting everything in instastories, however, when he arrived at the store he received a not very pleasant surprise, because the The article was not only quite expensive, but it was also far from his budget, since it cost more than 8 thousand euros, that is, about 32 million Colombian pesos.

As soon as he received the information, he had to take a breather outside the store to consider the pros and cons of giving Duke such a gift. However, moments after reflection, he decided to return again and very determined to make the purchase.

Once he received the bag in his hands, he immediately developed a plan with his companions in order to surprise the paisa even more, and how did he do it? Well, he pretended to have had a fight and was badly injured!

The plan was put into action and the moment Duke was alerted to such a situation, she ran as soon as she could to the place where her partner was. She there she realized that everything was a lie but that behind this there was an incredible surprise.

The influencer handed her the bag and as soon as she saw what was inside, she exploded with emotion, because wrapped in a special fabric was the accessory for which she herself had been working. In the following stories, Duke was quite happy and grateful for the gift from her boyfriend, because she did not see it coming.

They discriminated against ‘the Liendra’ in the Chanel store

One of the details that caught the attention during the documentation of the Colombian is that apparently in the store he did not receive good attention, since it seems that due to his attire and physical appearance he was «discriminated against and undervalued.»

Feeling the bad vibes of those who attended him, the paisa did not hesitate to express his annoyance and ensure that although he did not have the best image, he was a client who, like everyone else, should be respected.

Here is the compilation of their stories:

And you, what do you think about it? Tell us in the comments!