Phrases to apologize to your partner, they will get you out of trouble!

If you’re in a fight, you’re going to have to take out one of those phrases to apologize to your fatherrhey and that they are capable of expressing all the regret that you feel at this moment.

Calm down, we’ve all been through those tough fights! You are not and will not be the first to have to bow your head, swallow your pride and assume that you were wrong. Think that this act of nobility, in addition to being necessary, will show that you are willing to improve, change and start again with the promise that you will not trip over the same stone again.

In case you want to know, how to overcome a tusa? 10 commandments to achieve it, or you want to fight until the last minute for your relationship, then we show you some phrases that you can put into practice to say «I’m sorry, please forgive me»:

Phrases to apologize to your partner

It is not an easy situation at all, but what is certain is that these mistakes can make you stronger and without abandoning the good things about your personality, you must start generating changes that show that you really learned from your mistake:

“Apologizing doesn’t always mean you’re wrong. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego.» Mark Matthews.

“When you say the word “I’m sorry”, make sure you understand that an apology has 3 parts. “I’m sorry”, “it’s my fault and I won’t do it again” and “How can I make things better”. The last part is the most important.” Manasa Rao Saarlos.

“Never put off repairing a relationship you value. If you need to say «I’m sorry,» say it now. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us.” Tony Sorenson.

“There is only one thing more difficult in this world than to forgive. It is asking for forgiveness armed only with «I’m sorry». Erma Bombeck.

«The regret of my life is that I didn’t say ‘I love you’ enough times.» Yoko Ono.

Phrases to apologize to your boyfriend

It is always better to be clear about your feelings, and asking for forgiveness requires courage and respect for others. Take the initiative, apologize and use one of these phrases:

«There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness if there is no love.» Bryan H. McGill.

«Sometimes what you need most is to be forgiven.» Jennifer McMahon.

“Forgiveness falls like soft rain from heaven to earth. He is twice blessed; bless the one who gives it and the one who receives it.” William Shakespeare.

«Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.» Bruce Lee.

«It is better to act exposing yourself to regret it than to regret not having done anything.» Giovanni Boccacchio.

Phrases to apologize to your ex partner

Once a relationship comes to an end, it is best to forget, turn the page and end things on the best terms. Dedicate one of these phrases to that person with whom you were happy in the past:

«I have not felt peace since the day we put an end to our relationship, I think of you all the time and I want to apologize for having made you suffer.» Unknown author.

“Pride made me walk away from you, I’m sorry. All this time without you made me realize the mistakes that I now want to repair. Unknown author.

«I guess you think I’m a bad person, after everything I’ve done, but I’d like you to forgive me, I don’t ask for more.» J. A. Blacktorn.

«I’m sorry for all the promises that I never fulfilled and for all the illusions that I never made come true.» Anonymous.

Phrases to apologize to my boyfriend for my jealousy

As the great Vicente Fernández said: “This jealousy hurts me, it drives me crazy”. It is normal to feel jealousy but you should keep in mind that if they do not have a serious and true foundation, they will only cause unnecessary anger and fights. If this is your case, apologize with some of these beautiful phrases:

“Forgive me, my love, I never meant to hurt you. I accept my mistake and I promise you that I will do my best to control this jealousy that destroys what we worked so hard to create. Love you!». Anonymous.

“I have learned my lesson and I regret all the pain that I caused you with my bad reaction. Forgive me!» Unknown author.

“I am very sad for having offended you with my absurd jealousy, even if you don’t believe it, if I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do it again. I apologize to you because you deserve it and I trust that this will not damage our relationship. Anonymous.

“I have to admit that one of my biggest flaws is jealousy. I can’t even imagine a woman approaching you because I immediately feel jealous and my mind flies. I know it’s wrong and I’m trying to correct it.” Anonymous.

Which of these phrases is your favorite to apologize? Give us your opinion in a comment on this post and share it with all your friends on social networks.