Tips for long and strong nails

Do your nails split? Don’t they grow on you? Take note of these tips to keep them long and strong.

The cause of brittle and short nails can simply be lack of care. Remember that they are made up of hardened dead cells that contain keratin, a type of protein that your body produces. The website SensationalGalleriesNow recently published some good tips to get long and strong nails; We share them with you below:

Moisturize your cuticle

Massage your cuticles with hand cream frequently using a moisturizer, or even something homemade like almond oil and never, ever, take it off. Before running them, soften them by soaking your hands in warm water for a few minutes.

put on base

Try not to apply the polish directly on the nail, but on a base layer; in this way it will not come into direct contact with some chemicals that could weaken it and it will be easier to remove the color. Try hardening or nourishing bases, they will surely help you to have longer and stronger nails.

Consume antioxidants

The benefits of antioxidants are well known, however, perhaps you did not know that they also help make your nails longer and stronger. Some foods rich in these nutrients are peppers and tea, among others.

Be informed: 5 good foods for your nails

Better round than square

We know that straight nails have been in fashion for a long time, but filing them in a rounded shape reduces the risk of breakage, helping them grow longer and better. Pointed nails will also break easily.

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File them in one direction

When you file your nails, how do you do it? Experts advise doing it in one direction, because by filing them in 2 or more directions, we can weaken them, so they will split as soon as they are a tris long.

Baths with olive oil

Olive oil is not only a perfect dressing for your salads, you can also use it to beautify and nourish your nails. Dip them in this oil or put a drop on each nail twice a week… After a month you will see how much less it flakes!

Do not abuse the nail polish remover

Nail polish remover is a necessary evil, as it can really damage the surface of your nails, especially if it has a lot of acetone in it. Try to use it only a couple of times a month, so you don’t always have your nails painted.

Don’t rip off the polish

Never remove the enamel manually, even if the bottle says that it can be done. When you do, it goes away with part of the nail, weakening it even more.

Find out: Do not do this to your nails please!

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