What does the word love mean? Can be applied in various ways

Although we all associate what does pa meanheopen love With butterflies in the stomach, this word has various connotations depending on the way it is used.

The phrase that says that the only thing that can save the world is love has become very popular. Regardless of who you feel for that I don’t know what we don’t even know how to explain, love is the purest feeling you can have for a person, for the family and even for the place where you belong. Love in all its forms is inexplicable, but the truth is that it is the engine that moves the world and is worth being alive for.

We are going to tell you about the zodiacal signs that do not know the meaning of the word love and so that this article does not become a Greek tragedy, we will show you the meaning of love seen from various perspectives:

What does the word love mean?

The most exact connotation is that love refers to a feeling of universal affection that one has towards a person, animal or thing. Love can also be applied to the emotional and sexual attraction that you have or feel towards a person with whom you want to have a relationship or coexistence. Basically, love is the purest expression of affective feelings and with which the bonds of closeness of societies and their components such as family, friends and/or couples are linked.

What does the word love mean in the bible?

The basis of Christianity is founded on the love of God. The sacred books and the teachings of Jesus of compassion, affection and respect at the time he came to earth, are the biblical reference to connect the mind, heart and soul, three of the characteristics of all humans to please goodbye. As an example of the strength of love as a universal historical religious principle, the first commandment for Christians is to love God above all things. From this perspective, the fruitful and responsible life of the good faithful is to offer love to others regardless of creed, sex, social status, race, etc.

What does the word love mean in Greek?

Agápē (Greek: ἀγάπη) is the term to describe thoughtful, unconditional love. In the Ágápē, the lover considers only the good of the loved one and only obeys her feelings. For the Greeks there were also three other types of love attributed to deities that governed the feelings of men (as a universal race) according to their will:

  • Eros represents passionate, erotic and carnal love. In Greek mythology, this God symbolizes romantic love, passion and impulsiveness of feeling, which channeled desire and could perhaps become a deeper and more lasting love.
  • Storgé is brotherly love, friendly and committed to any cause. It is the love that is cultivated over time and is related to family and friendship relationships, as it is usually protective and loyal.
  • Philia is the love between friends, the one that is expressed to others through respect, solidarity and cooperation.

What does the word brotherly love mean?

Brotherly love is usually linked to the feelings and behaviors of affection that exist between siblings. This expression of affection extends to members of a family, to the most precious friends and even to social and ecclesiastical groups. Although love refers to a feeling of affection of a universal type, fraternal love is linked to the appropriations of brotherhood that are created with people with whom you share blood ties or with those you know and consider them part of your family as you progress. in the life.

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