Read more: these are the plants that cannot be missing in your home.
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10. Cassava (Yucca Elephantipes)
In addition to being excellent in the air filtration, these plants with tip tips add a different desert touch to any room. Needs: Partial sunlight and not too much water (they are tolerant of drought!).
11. Violin sheet (Ficus Lyrata)
While they are not the easiest plants to keep alive, these wide -blade beauties are super popular «and can grow more than 3 meters inside,» says Eliza. Needs: Bright, indirect sun and «a very consistent atmosphere» (so you do not move or those leaves will fall!).
12. African candelabra (Euphorbia Ammak)
While technically it is not a tree (it is a succulent!), This plant similar to a tree recommended by Kristina Smith of Jungelow, can grow up to 6 meters high!. Aspects to consider: place it in full sun and have a good drain.
Read more: Never do this with your interior plants!
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13. Arborescent Fern
«Either a Dicksonia or a Cyathea, the arborescent ferns are native to Australia and New Zealand and are absolutely incredible,» says Jesse. «They grow really high in nature (not so high in their home) with large frogs of feathery fern on a hairy / woody trunk.» Needs: Bright light, abundant water (do not let it dry) and high humidity.
14. Rubber tree (Elastic ficus)
While it is more common to be seen in small sizes, these bright leaves can be found in a tree, «and it is beautiful when you do, since they often grow quite a lot,» says Eliza. Needs: Bright indirect light and some consent (clean the leaves when they are full of dust).
15. Rhapis (Rhapis Excelsa)
With sheets similar to the fingers (it is often called «finger palm») in the fan branches, it is believed that these elegant plants are native to southern China and Taiwan. Needs: Indirect sunlight, as by a window oriented to the east.
Article originally published in Ad us.