Mickey Mouse: The story of the first mouse animation

Mickey Mouse is a mousebut not anyone; It is a character in command of a company that, to tell the truth, has made the most classic stories and the most alternatives, the most incredible and fantastic experiences. However, this 2024 not only belongs to Disney, the brand it represents; but to the public domain and in theory, it can be used under almost any policy.

The most popular mouse has its own story, which is fascinating and interesting. But over the years it has evolved not only in its design, but also in its objective. Thus, being a black and white whistle mouse, now it is a fashionista mouse with almost human joints.

Mickey Mouse is now in the public domain, but why?General Photographic Agency / Getty Images.

The first sketch

As we know, Walt Disney was the creator of Mickey Mouse, But it did not arise from one moment to another in his mind, but was part of a creative process. During a train trip, he was drawing the misfortunes that his life had at that time, so suddenly a mouse of large ears and round hands appeared in his head, he was one that could walk two legs and had human features.

Initially, he was going to be called Mortimer Mouse; However, Walt Disney's wife suggested changing the name to Mickey, that is, Miguelito. It was much more friendly and less good -natured. It would even be a name that many years later would continue to play fun and not outdated. But there is a somewhat informal story that comes from Lilian, Walt Disney's wife and says that the name arose from the creative's mind after he lost Oswald's rights, a bunny that had invented and that had been stolen. So throughout the trip he was shouting and cursing, until Lilian asked him to calm down or leave that place and it was when Walt, with his head cold, He had space for Mickey Mouse, the little mouse.