Know the Boho trend and apply it in the decoration of your home

Also, the Wall decoration with tissues, macramé or sisal carpets They are very popular, as well as the use of elements such as Leather support, a decorative ladder or vintage lamps.


Another of the Keys to adapt the boho trend in your home, they are the carpets, since the soils are usually decorate with textiles of different designs and textures. Thus, you will not only warmer the environmentbut the footprint will be softer.

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Like carpets, Cushions are a decorative element to incorporate the Boho trend in your home. Either in The sofa, in bed or on the ground, These serve to lie or sit informally and relaxed. Can combine designs of different shapes, sizes and prints, The more, the better.

Vintage furniture

The Vintage furniture are one of the keys of the boho style, since, how much More worn and old, better. These pieces are usually the great protagonists of this decorative style, you only have take care that they are not too many. A lower number of furniture, but of a considerable size, They will look more.

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Unique objects

Finally, the unique objects and pieces They are something that You cannot miss to incorporate the boho style in your home. Since this style celebrates the different cultures and ethnicities of the world, the decorative pieces and travel memories They are perfect for complement this style.