How to decorate the windows at Christmas

Since we are at all Christmas dinner and the spirit is more present than ever, we cannot ignore the decoration in any space in the house. While in Latin America we are accustomed to seeing striking ornaments that become bored, so it is time to give a twist to the Christmas decoration and focus on something much more beautiful that reflects what you are at home.

So Decoration in windows It is the most fun and that, surely, we will see in each place. But if you do not want to fall into simple lights and spheres, it is better that you follow our advice to enjoy the best Christmas decoration in the county.

Something simple and striking in your window will be ideal.ANNIE SPRAT / UNSPLASH.

Piñitas and lights

This Christmas gathers the pineapples of the trees and welcomes a thin and moldable wire. Throughout it you can place a series of white lights that give the decoration of a vintage air. This looks incredible if Your window has old moldings Well, it's very ad hoc.

A classic element with its own touch.Brock Wegner / UNSPLASH.

The typical crown

If you are very classic and prefer the typical Christmas decoration, you must put a Green crown in your window. But it is not enough to place it and now, give your own touch with a bow of your favorite color and we suggest you paint some tips of your crown with your favorite colors, not only white to appear snow, but so that it has your favorite tones.