Banksy's most recent mural is an allusion to COVID-19

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A new mural appears

The most recent work of this artist is titled «Achoo !!» And she is a mural of a lady sneezing, among her sneeze one can see that the woman expelled her false denture. The work was found on the side of a house in Totterdownin the city of Bristol boardthis property is located on Vale Street street, this is one of the most steep residential streets in Great Britain, with a slope of almost 22 degrees. The great slope of this street helps give paint a dramatic effect. This mural is a clear Reference to COVID-19 and the importance of staying at home and the use of covers.

Banksy shared a photograph of the work on Instagram attributing the credit of this new and irreverent work. In photography An optical illusion is created where sneezing He was in charge of turning a garbage boat and pushing the umbrella of one of the people in front.

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The importance of artists

As the year passed, it seems that society It has taken importance to the risk of COVID-19 And the great personalities have gradually stopped commenting on the subject, which is a serious problem since visibility is subtracted from the subject. This is why Banksy's new work It is so important since the reflector returns to the dangerous situation in which the world is.

Banksy is recognized as an artist who has always used his platform for Show world problems And raising awareness, is an artist who is not afraid of expressing his ideas in unconventional ways. Either painting murals in prohibited areas, such as the subway, portraying figures of royalty in a caricaturized way or touching difficult issues such as war, this artist is responsible for that His message is transmitted as he wants.

During these months the artist has taken care of getting him The greatest benefit to the great voice in the art world so that your message is heard. He has participated in virtual exhibitions and donated his work «Game Changer» to the University Hospital of Southampton in Great Britain. Banksy's new mural It is a sign that the anonymous artist will continue to use his influence on the art world to transmit messages that refer to COVID-19 and the important problems of the world.