Wholemeal flour tortilla recipe for Mexican tacos

Is omelette recipe of wholemeal flour for tacos is great because it is very simple and will make your preparations have an incredible flavor.

Mexican food is delicious for many people because it brings together delicious ingredients that are very popular throughout Latin America. In fact, tortillas are a fundamental part of the diet in that country and along with spicy, they are two of the products that have the most followers and recognition in nations such as Japan, China and the United States.

If you want to know which are the best banana recipes and the best technique to make a wholemeal flour tortilla, then this step by step is made for you:

Wholemeal recipe flour tortillas

It’s time for you to kick her out of the stadium! Get all the ingredients you need ready and go into the kitchen to prepare a delicious dish that everyone at home will love:

Preparation time30 minutesCooking time 1 minuteCategoryAccompanimentCocinaMexicanaKeywordsDough, salt, foodFor how many people5PortionMediumCalories95Fat3.68 g


  • 250 grams of whole wheat flour
  • 150 ml of water
  • Three tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt


Step 1. Mix

The first thing you should do is put the flour in a bowl, along with the salt, water and oil. With the help of your hands or a spoon, stir well so that the ingredients come together. Once you have a homogeneous dough, take it out of the bowl and put it on a table to obtain a slightly harder dough in a ball. Cover it and let it rest for 20 minutes. Subsequently, spread the dough as if forming a chorizo ​​and cut pieces of about 30 grams and form balls to put them on a tray and cover them with a cloth.

Step 2. Heat

Sprinkle flour on a table and spread each ball to create the traditional shape of the tortilla (it should be about 15 cm in diameter). Now, you can take each tortilla to a pan to heat it for about 45 seconds on each side. Ready, you can now serve your tacos and enjoy. Bon Appetite.

We share an explanatory video with the step by step so you can see it as many times as you need it:

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