Pachira Aquatica: Care and Uses

Outdoors, this plant has a spectacular flowering throughout the year, but as an interior plant, it does not bloom.

How is the Aquatica Pachiara braid?

For ornamental purposes, The Pachira Aquatica stem can be braided When it is very young, since they have greater flexibility. If the plant is already adult, the stem is very hard, woody and cannot be folded.

Is Pachira Aquatica edible?

Pachira Aquaticica seeds are edibleeither raw or cooked. Crudas have a taste similar to peanuts, while cooked, roasted, boiled or fried, remember chestnuts. Also, they can be ground once dry to get flour to make bread.

We share some of the basic care of the Pachira Aquatica at home. Poina Sergeyeva / Getty Images

What are the care of the Pachira Aquatica?

Like every plant, Pachira Aquatica needs basic care To grow healthy and strong, among them:

Location and soil

In the interior case, this plant must be placed in a space Next to the window, making sure that Do not receive direct light from the sun either Cold air currents. When to the ground, it needs a substrate rich in organic matter with good drainage.

Light and temperature

Pachira Aquatica needs a lot of indirect lightsince the sun's rays can burn its leaves and, being a tropical plant, it does not tolerate the cold. Therefore, the ideal temperature is between 16 and 24 degrees.

Irrigation and fertilizer

It is recommended Water this plant twice a weekensuring that the substrate is dry between one irrigation and another. In addition, The Aquatica Pachira must be paid once a month Con fertilizer for green plants, from spring to the end of summer

Pruning and transplantation

As for pruning, it is better to do it at the end of winter. Also, it is recommended Transplant La Pachira Aquatica Every year in spring, to a larger pot, so that it can be fully developed.