Sofa bed or futon, what are the differences

Do you need a sofa bed or a futon?AMANDINE LERBSCHER / UNSPLASH

Now, what are the differences between a sofa bed and a futon?

It should be noted that there are people to find them, you have to use a magnifying glass, but in reality it is much simpler than it seems. Next we list them so that you begin to decide what best suits your home, needs and budget:

The weight

A sofa bed is heavier than a futon. It is because it is slightly larger and higher. Therefore it requires that the space be somewhat wider, although it is not indispensable. If you usually move the furniture follows, consider this aspect.


A Futon has no stakes, contrary to a sofa bed. This is limiting when using it to sleep, since it removes space, although it is not too much. In addition, A futon is more straight, while the sofa bed is more ergonomicwhich means that cushions are more robust and dense, so it is better for constant use and futon for sporadic occasions.

Size and height.

This goes hand in hand with weight, as the heaviest, bigger. Besides, A sofa bed is higher and a futon is lowerthat's why we said that the first becomes a bed and the second is rather a mattress.


A Futon is more futuristicso it is usually used in modern and small homes, while The sofa bed is more classiceven, although there are many styles, they are not as versatile as the futon, so you must value the decorative style of your home.


Cleaning a futon is much simplersince the mattress can be removed and in some cases you can even put the washing machine, depending on the size. While The bed sofa requires special cleaning or a professional, as is the case with a conventional mattress.


In short, A futon is cheaper than a sofa bed Thanks to the structure and materials, as well as size and weight, but there are varieties according to the designer, store or manufacturer. Remember that sometimes the saying that says that «the cheap is expensive,» is real, but also your portfolio and its occupation influences the decision to acquire one or the other.

Now, with these tips you can evaluate the best option to add to your home, either a sofa bed or a futon. But without a doubt, you must keep in mind that your decision is always correct, what is your favorite?