8 tips for ordering your shoes if you have little space

Learn to save your shoes with these tips.

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When adapting the accommodation of your belongings to reduced dimensions, Footwear will not be a problem, Well with these tips You will dominate how to order shoes in little space. The home is a place of retirement and rest whose appearance has a direct impact on mental and physical health. Therefore, specialists, Like Mari Kondo, they have shown that with the correct organization of the articles That they are stored at home, the resident's lifestyle improves, as it reflects mental clarity and promotes energy flow by all rooms. Thus, among the belongings that, thanks to its stylistic heterogeneity and its functional diversity, They are a challenge when it comes to storing them are shoes. These clothing can be the most robust or the most delicate, so finding an ideal area for guarding becomes a bit frustrating, and more if the space is limited.

Either a large or small collection, applying These 8 tips to order shoes in little space you will protect your footwear and keep its neat and organized location.

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Knock, Knock, behind the door

One of the most wasted areas in any room is The space behind the door. Being an access road, it is essential that it remains free, so positioning furniture or boxes in this area is a definitive not. However, There are supports or beams that you can place on your back. Regardless of whether it is the entrance door or a closet, here you can locate your shoes in an orderly manner or, create a sinking on the wall behind it and add several sticks at different levels that serve as supports.