If it is not possible for you to do it daily, you can do it a habit of the weekends In this way, you will not only have excellent health, but you will contribute to Generate less contamination produced by traffic.
Cultivate your own food
One of the habits that has become common lately is cultivate your own food, that is, create orchards at home, since they help to have greater control of your diet to generate greater oxygenation in the environment.
Also, opt for consume a greater amount of plants cultivated at home and reduce the intake of products of animal origin It helps the environment, since the livestock industry is one of the most polluting in the world.
Consume local
Another habits to have a more sustainable life is consume local, that is, boost local producers opting for products created in your country, city or community, instead of those of transnational brands.
Local consumption or economy refers to the collaborative effort to build Economies based on local products or region, Which, some cases may be cheaper, in addition to supporting an economy of Fair price and the realization of products of higher quality.