This home remedy can help repel bugs naturally due to unpleasant aromas for them.Gio Modzmana / Pexels
Home remedy to scare away bedbugs
If you are looking for a home remedy made with Plants to scared bedbugsyou can make a solution based on essential oils that are known for their repellent capacity.
What do you need:
– Lavender essential oil
– Mint essential oil
– Eucalyptus essential oil
– Water
– Rociadora bottle
What you should do:
1. Fill out a sprinkle bottle with water, leaving enough space for essential oils.
2. Add 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil. As we tell you, lavender has a pleasant aroma for humans but repels bed bugs.
3. Add 10-15 drops of mint essential oil, which is also effective for moving the bed bugs.
4. Add 10-15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, which has repellent properties.
5. Stir the bottle well to mix essential oils with water.
6. Spray this solution in areas where you suspect the presence of bed buglike around windows, doors, cracks on the walls, mattresses or dark corners.
This home remedy can help repel bed bugs due to unpleasant aromas for them. However, keep in mind that its effectiveness can vary and that it is not a definitive solution for severe infestation.
Plants can be natural allies in the prevention of Bowl infestations. By incorporating them, you will not only enjoy their aesthetic and culinary benefits, you will also keep these uncomfortable insects naturally and aromatically.