How to relive a withered Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve or Easter flower is the most popular at Christmas. Discover how to prevent it from withering.

Constantine Johnny / Getty Images.

The most popular Christmas plant is perhaps the Christmas Evealso known as Easter flower. However, these usually wilt quicklyafter the party time.

So that this does not happen, it is important to continue specific care and avoid sudden changes, since this plant is delicate.

Discover how to relive a withered Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve or Easter flower is the most popular at Christmas. Discover how to prevent it from withering.

Barbara Eddowes / Getty Images

Christmas Eve or Easter flower

Scientific name is Euphorbia Pulcherrimathe Christmas Eve or Easter flower It is one of the most popular at Christmas.

Although it is believed that these plants with Intense red striking flowers They are only from this era, the reality is that They can live more than a year with the necessary care.

Why does Christmas Eve withered?

Exist different reasons for which Christmas Eve can wilt, for example, by excess heat Upon receiving direct light or by lack of irrigation. It is also important that these They do not suffer sudden changes in temperature, nor should they be watered when they are under sunlight.