10 places you can't miss if you visit Guadalajara

In the dome and in its walls some of the most emblematic works of the Jalisco muralist José Clemente Orozco stand out.

In the museum, works such as Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, María Izquierdo, Juan Soriano, Lola Álvarez Bravo, José Luis Cuevas, George Baselitz, Marcel Duchamp, Joseph Beuys, Yoko Ono and Daniel Buren have been exhibited.

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The Guadalajara Cathedral

The Church of the Assumption of Mary Most Holy is the name of this beautiful cathedral erected in the center of the city of Guadalajara.

The first cathedral It was built in 1541, but 33 years later it caught fire during a mass. So King Felipe of Spain ordered the construction of a new cathedral in 1568.

However, versions after that cathedral were damaged or totally destroyed by earthquakes. The current version dates from 1852.

His baroque style and iconic neo -Gothic towers will captivate your gaze immediately.

It also has many interesting legends such as those associated with secret tunnels, which supposedly served as hiding during the Cristero War.

America. Mexico. Jalisco State. Guadalajara City. Weapons Square and The Cathedral. (Photo by: Mahaux Charles/Agf/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)Getty images


It is a municipality that is located in the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara. Very famous not only nationally but internationally for its crafts made with techniques such as ceramics at high temperature, wrought iron, machate paper, misunderstanding and blown glass.