The 13 most beautiful libraries in the world

The most beautiful libraries in the world They are indescribable. It is almost impossible to define them taking into account only their purpose: to offer infinite access to knowledge to any person without any cost. As the headquarters of innumerable community resources and places of cultural commitment, the attractiveness of these institutions is inherent. After all, as Albert Einstein once said: «The only thing to know is absolutely where the library is.»

However, some also have an aesthetic attraction. From America to Europe, Asia and Africa, on almost all continents there are libraries of great visual beauty. Some have hundreds of years, adorned with golden and fresh captivating finishes. Others are surprisingly modern, with elegant lines and a futuristic wink. In any case, they capture the spirit of amazement and the desire to learn that they are necessary to design a unique space and that are often found in customers who visit it.

Here, AD examines only a small collection of the thousands of impressive athenaeans around the world, who head our list as The most beautiful libraries in the world.