Margarita Concept Garden: A garden hidden in Tepoztlán

This fascinating story about the origin of a classic; The character, the drink and the flower, are the starting point that inspired the concept, architecture and landscaping of a hidden garden as magical as exciting, located in the rear area of ​​the Hotel Posada del Tepozteco.

In Margarita Concept Garden, the sculptural benches of polished cement, a rich plant encyclopedia and simple and intuitive architecture redefine the romanticism of spending the day in contact with nature.

Fabián Martínez

«First the garden, then the architecture.» This is how Santiago Camarenaarchitect and landscape, Margarita Concept Garden visualized. In his words: «The garden creates the experience of the space, and the architectural elements are summarized and studied as acupuncture in the plant environment, seeking contemplation and the atmosphere, to satisfy the yearning of the user's nature,» Camarena shared.

The landscape design was conceptualized as two different gardens; an exterior of low maintenance and an interior.

Fabián Martínez