Mario Pani: biography and projects that marked impact on Mexican architecture

Schools, hospitals, public buildings, airports, residential works, commercial buildings, offices and hotels are some examples of the architectural trajectory Mario Pani. Your style based on providing Lightness and utility To buildings, He broke paradigms with the contrasting designs of the early twentieth century in Mexico. Among other achievements was the foundation of the College of Architects in 1946 and the creation of a magazine specialized in architecture, which during the first half of the twentieth century was one of the publications on the profession most held in the country.

The importance of their proposals highlights it as one of the most original architects in contemporary Mexico, innovative ideas brought from Europe in terms of architectural style that were reflected in their designs of Functionalist aesthetics Here are some of his most acclaimed works.

National Music Conservatory in Mexico City


National Music Conservatory

In this work you can see the European ideals embodied by the architect. With experience in music being an consummated cellist, Pani reflects in its design a Mixture of sobriety and stillness which result in this space of integral architecture.

UNAM Rectory Tower
