Cleaning products They are very powerful chemicals that help keep the home clean, bright and like new. However; They are also products that could become highly harmful and dangerous when they come into contact with other chemicals, so you always have to be careful when manipulating them. Besides, There is the erroneous belief that mixing different cleaning products can be obtained better results, but the truth is that this practice can be harmful to your healthbecause with mixtures, chemical reactions usually occur.
That is why we list 8 products that you should never mix the do the cleaning To avoid harming your health and that of your family.
Never mix cleaning products to avoid toxic reactions.Kelly Sikkema / Unspash
Cleaning products of different brands
One of the most common myths is that the mixture of two cleaning products of different brands helps to enhance the results, but the reality is that in addition to being completely false, This mixture could reduce the intensity of the formulas and in the worst case it could generate a toxic reaction. Each formula in cleaning products is independent and mixing can result in an uncertain reaction that can become dangerous.
Chlorine with other cleaning products
Chlorine is one of the most used products to clean the home, from stains on clothes and to the mosaics of the shower. The adaptability of this product can give the false impression that it can be mixed with any other product, But this should be avoided at all costs. It is also important to remember that chlorine cannot be mixed with vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, bicarbonate, degreasing multipurpose cleaners, glass cleaners, acids of any kind, lemon juice and alcohol. This is because chlorine and acids produce chlorine gas, which is an extremely toxic compound which irritates mucous membranes and membranes and produces internal burns. In addition, extreme caution must be taken as this gas can also be absorbed through the skin, causing inflammation.