We must always keep in mind that one of the main goals of the Feng Shui It is living in harmony with the environment. This is achieved with certain rules and advice that helps balance your environment's energy in order to achieve harmony on a larger scale.
A balanced and harmonious space is, according to the Feng Shuia magnet of good fortune and an inexhaustible prosperity. If you think well, it is not very difficult to get if we follow the basic principles: cleaning, order and balance. And in saying balance we refer to the fact that each and every one of the rooms in your house must be well served so that, together, you have a well -balanced home energy.
One of the elements that help us achieve this balance are the plants, it is recommended that each room have a plant, but we almost always forget the bathroom. He Feng Shui It has at least one list of five ideal floors to have in the bathroom and thus improve your economy and the flow of money.
This plant, according to Feng Shui, is perfect to balance the energies in the bathroom.Rachel Claire / Pexels
Moses cradle
According to him Feng Shuithe energy that this plant provides to the environment is of calm, innocence and purity of the soul; So we talk about an excellent negative energy repellent. We often have forgotten the bathroom, and beyond cleaning, we do not look much in its decoration. Place a Moses crib plant will achieve an energy balance thanks to its colors and size, and the type of energy that this plant has. As if that were not enough, it also helps with the flow of energy, so a plant of this species in the bathroom is an excellent decision.
The phone is highly recommended by Feng Shui thanks to how easy it is to take care of it.Rodnae Productions / Pexels
Potus (phone)
The main property of this plant is its expansive energy, that is, its ability to multiply good energies, as the Feng Shui. In addition, it is an easy care plant, so the humidity and coldness of the bathroom will not affect it at all. The Feng Shui That the phone or potus has the ability to revitalize the environment and transform energies, such as a vibration channel that gives a positive effect to all the energies it absorbs. It is ideal to have next to the sink or tub.