The key works in Juan O'Gorman architecture

Rivera died in 1957 and could not see the Anahuacalli Museum concluded but his patron Dolores Olmedo took the project in his hands and managed to conclude it with the help of Ruth Rivera, or 'Gorman and the poet Carlos Pellicer.

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Central Library of the Autonomous University of Mexico

Located in the University City, this building was built from 1950 to 1951, it is signed by the architects Juan O'Gorman -who also made the mural of almost 4,000 square meters that covers his facade -, Juan Martínez de Velasco and Gustavo Saavedra.

According to the site, the building was planned with 10 levels to store up to 120 thousand books per floor.

Public School Series in Mexico City

In 1932, Juan O'Gorman was appointed head of the Building Office of the Ministry of Public Education. In this position, the Mexican architect built about twenty functionalist schools in Mexico City.

Under this architectural style, the design responded to social utility over aesthetic values, thus achieving a better use of resources.

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